eArchiving Conformance Seal Application Form

Please provide your contact details

Provide your firstname, lastname and email address so that we can respond to you


Please confirm that you agree to the following conditions for applying for the eArchiving Conformance Seal

Please provide a single URL for downloading a package including the self-assessment and validation reports, and the information packages sample

The download URL must resolve to a single packaged container (ZIP, TAR, TAR.GZ) which must include 1) the self-assessment report (MS Word or PDF), 2) the validation reports (JSON, HTML, or PDF), and 3) the information packages sample which must consist of 3 packages per information package type (Submission, Archival, and Dissemination Information Package). The maximum size of each information package is 40MB. The information packages must validate successfully using the E-ARK validator for information packages according to the corresponding specification for E-ARK SIPs, AIPs, and DIPs.

  • Contact
  • Consent
  • Providing self-assessment and validation reports and information packages sample

Contact details


I have read the privacy policy of this website

I agree that the data I submit with this form and which I provide for download will be analysed by reviewers nominated by the eArchiving Support team

I agree that validation reports will be published on the EC's eArchiving Conformance Seal Website as evidence for getting the eArchiving Conformance Seal

Information packages sample